Ahmed al-Asnag
is a well-known writer, author, social reformist, and enlightenment symbol. He is also the founder and the chairman of Arab Islamic Reform Club in 1930 till activities stopped in the fifties last century.
During his life he strived to raise the level of morals, knowledge, education, in addition to female education. He played a key role in arranging first scholarship and educational programs for Adeni students by sending many to pursue their study in many countries.
He also the author of two books, "Nasib ‘Adan men Al-Haraka Al-Fikriyya Al-Haditha “ Aden’s Part of Modern Intellectual Movement”, published in 1934, and, "Areej ‘Adan “The Scent of Aden”", published in 1960. The “ Nasib” was the first intellectual publication in Arabic during the British era when all publications were in Indian, English and Hebrew.
These two books had made al- Asnag very famous among literary and cultural society as “ Man of the Part & Scent ”.
During the second war in the 1940s, he also wrote another book called, Al-Shams fi Raie’at al- Nahar “ TheSun at a Midday Light”, unpublished. This book was written when the British authorities exiled him to Tawahi and kept under house arrest for 18 months for allegations of supporting the Germans at that time.
This Adani figure is cited here due to the kinship and social ties between him and Sultan Nagi as the latter got married to al- Asnag’s granddaughter, Fardoos Al-Asnag. Later after the death of al-Asnag, original copies of his books were submitted to Mr. Nagi including the original handwritten copy of his unpublished book, The Sun at a Mid Daylight. All these books and other different documents, photos, and correspondences related to al-Asnag social and political activities are available at the Nagi’s library. Al-Asnag’s heritage needs reproduction and publication.
As a contribution to Aden’s legacy and it’s role in enlightenment and culture in the region, and to remember Ahmed al- Asnag’s achievements, as well as to protect his intellectual rights, the website management has allocated this section to revive his productions aiming at finding a way to get his works published and be available for public.
Note: The section, as in the whole website, will be updated once new documents or Information will be found.