Spengler's Interpretation of History . Unpublished, in English, prepared by the author during his study in the American University in Beirut, 1959.
Development of the Pronouncement Concept of "History" Among Arabs . Unpublished, prepared by the author during his study in the American University in Beirut, 1960.
The Abbasid Caliphate and the Counter – Crusade . Unpublished, in English, prepared by the author during his study in the American University in Beirut, 1960.
Al-Shaubia and Karmatians: one of Foreign Ideological Movements in Arab History . Unpublished, prepared by the author during his study in the American University in Beirut, 1961.
Morocco Since War II . Unpublished, in English, prepared by the author during his study in the American University in Beirut, 1961.
Western Writers` Contribution in Study of Southern Arabian Peninsula . Aden, Dirasat Journal of Alumni Conference, issue Nos.1& 2, 1965. (Or/ Yemen in Western Books. Aden, Al-Thaqafa - el-Gadidah Journal, issue No.9, year 1, 1971). For more details, see “list of works”.
Texts and Lessons in the History of Southern Arabian Peninsula : Historical Origins of Present Crisis . Aden, Dirasat Journal of Alumni Conference, issue Nos.3& 4, 1966. Published in two episodes.
Yemen on the Presses of United Arab Republic . Cairo, AL- Kitab - el Arabi Journal, issue No.51, 1970. Part of a book: "Selected and Annotated Bibliography on Yemen" , 1973. For more details, see “list of works”.
Index of Yemeni Historical Manuscripts Existing in the Great Mosque in Sana'a . Aden, Al-Thaqafa - el-Gadidah Journal, issue Nos.4& 5, year 1, 1970. Part of a book: "Selected and Annotated Bibliography on Yemen", 1973. For more details, see “list of works”.
How Do We Write Yemen's History? . Aden, Al Thaqafa - el-Gadidah Journal, issue No.3, year 1, 1970.
The Historical and Political Background of the 19th January 1839 . Aden, Al-Thaqafa - el-Gadidah Journal, issue No.1, year 1, 1970. In English & Arabic languages. (Or/ Historical Background of British Occupation in Aden, Kuwait, Journal of Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies, issue No.2, Year 1, 1975). For more details, see “list of Works”.
Aden in Revolution “ May - November 1967 ” . Aden, Al Thaqafa - el-Gadidah Journal, issue No.2, 1970. A brief translation for part of Lord Humphrey Trevelyan's Book,the last High Commissioner of Aden, entitled: " The Middle - East in Revolution", published in London, 1970. Part of this translation published in 14 October Newspaper, dated on 14/10/1981 within entitled: "Texts and Lessons from History of Yemeni Revolution".
Historical Glimpse of Yemen . Aden, Al-Thaqafa - el-Gadidah Journal, issued 8, 1971. In English & Arabic languages. The English copy published as a historical introduction for annual book about Yemen, published in Aden in 1971, also as a historical introduction for the English part of a book: "Selected and Annotated Bibliography on Yemen", 1973. For more details, see “list of works”.
Story of Searching for Monuments and Inscriptions . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.12, 1971.
Yemen in Western Books . Aden, Al-Thaqafa - el-Gadidah Journal, issue No.9, year 1, 1971. (Or/ Western Writers` Contribution in Study of Southern Arabian Peninsula, Aden, Dirasat Journal of Alumni Conference, issue Nos.1& 2, 1965. For more details, see “list of works”.
The Political History of Ancient Yemeni State . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.16, 1972.
Aden: Active Picture of its Economy in Medieval Ages . Aden, Al-Gondi Newspaper, issue No.90, year 5,1972.
The Historical and Political Background for Revolution of 1948 . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.18, 1973. The fourth chapter translation,“ pp.82 – 108 ” of Professor Winfred Wiener's Book entitled: "The New Yemen 1918 – 1966", Publications of Hopkins University, Biltmore Maryland, 1969.
Manifestations of Ancient Yemeni Civilization . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.17, Year 2, 1973. (Or/ Manifestations of Ancient Yemeni Civilization together with an attempt to applying Twainby`s commentary on it, Baghdad, Arab Horizons Journal, issue No.2, year 4, 1978).
The Civil Service in Aden During the Last Quarter Century of British Rule “ 1942-1967 “ . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.21, 1973.
The Yemeni Unity Through History . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.19, Year 2,1973.
Selected and Annotated Bibliography on Yemen . Kuwait, University of Kuwait, Series of Bibliography No.6, 1973. Published for the first time on Al-Thaqafa - el-Gadidah Journal, issue Nos.6& 7, year 1, 1971.
Islamic Yemeni History : from Prophet's reign to establishment of Independent Small States . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.22,1973. Part of study entitled: “Islamic Yemeni History”, consists of six parts. For more details, see “list of works”.
Islamic Yemeni History : Al-Ziadia and Al-Ya'aforia States . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.23, 1973. Part of study entitled: “Islamic Yemeni History”, consists of six parts. For more details, see “list of works”.
Islamic Yemeni History : Al-Karmatians State . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.24, 1973. Part of study entitled: “Islamic Yemeni History”, consists of six parts. For more details, see “list of works”.
Islamic Yemeni History : Al-Zaidiah and Al-Nagahiah States . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.26, 1974. Part of study entitled: “Islamic Yemeni History“, consists of six parts. For more details, see “list of works“.
Islamic Yemeni History : Al-Sulaihi, Al-Zurayiah, Al-Hatmiah and Al-Mahdiah States . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.27, Year 3, 1974. Part of study entitled: “Islamic Yemeni History“, consists of six parts. For more details: see “List of works”.
Islamic Yemeni History : Al-Aeubi, Al-Rasouli and Al-Tahiri States . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.31, Year 4,1974. Part of study entitled:“Islamic Yemeni History“, consists of six parts. For more details, see “list of works“.
Historical Introduction . Aden, Book of Overall Survey, United Nations Project, 1974 . A historical introduction of book of United Nations Project entitled: Book of Overall Survey: social and economic study 1974, the first book, published by the General District of Local Management Affairs “ PDRY”. It was updated and developed later and then published in 1976,1978 and 1983, as an integrated study entitled: "History of Yemeni Cities" and “Aden Through History”. For more details, see “list of works”.
The Yemeni History: it's Sources and Methods . Aden, 14 October Newspaper, 1974. Published in two episode.
Nature of the Kingship in Ancient Yemen Civilization . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.34, 1974. A brief translation of Professor Alfred Boston's Book entitled: “Kingship in South Ancient Arabia“, published in Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient, volume 15, 1972. Part of this translation was presented and published within Twelve episodes entitled: "Analysis of The Yemeni Community". For more details, see “list of works“.
The Mercantile Law of Qataban . Aden, 14 October Newspaper , 1975. Translation of the text of law 'Below Apostils' by Professor Alfred Boston, from Himyrait to English language,"The Mercantile Law of Qataban", Oxford University Publications, 1971.
Meditation in the British Policy which led to Evacuation of Englishmen from South Yemen . Aden, 14 October Newspaper, issue No.2144, 1975. Translation of a conclusion book by Dorin Inagrams's , wife of the Political Consultant Resident in Hadramout, titled: " A Time in Arabia", published in 1970. Part of this translation published later in 14 October Newspaper, dated on 14/10/1981 within entitled: "Texts and Lessons from the Yemeni Revolution History".
Origins of History of Ancient & Islamic Yemeni Civilization and Some General Remarks About Them . Baghdad, Arab Historian Journal, issue No.2, 1975.
The Historical Background of British Occupation in Aden . Kuwait, Journal of Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies, issue No.2, Year 1, 1975. In English & Arabic Languages. (or/ The Historical and Political Background of the 19th January 1839, Aden, Al-Thaqafa - el-Gadidah Journal, issue No.1, year 1, 1970). For more details, see “list of works“.
Draft of work paper for Yemeni Civilization Session . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.38, Year 4, 1975. Presented to the International Scientific Session for Ancient Yemeni Civilization held in Aden in February 1975.
The Politics Of Stratification in Hadramout . Aden, 1975. unpublished. A brief translation of Dr. Abdullah Bagra`s book entitled: "The politics of Stratification - A study of political change in South Arabian Town", Oxford University Publications, 1971. Originally, the book is thesis subject presented by the author to Obtain "doctorate" from London University. It is a field study conducted by the author in “Huraidah“ town in Hadramout to know the political change of this town and its effect on stratification. Part of this translation was presented and published within twelve episodes entitled: “Analysis of the Yemeni Community“. For more details, see “list of works“.
Military History of Yemen “1839 – 1967“ . Kuwait , Dar Al- Siasah publications, 1976. A political studdy searching for relation of the evolution of the military institutions and activities with the situations and political variables. This is the first edition of the book which was republished several times, the last one was in 2004 by the Directorate of Moral Guidance in the Yemeni Armed Forces.
Imam Yahia's Army . Kuwait, Journal of Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies, issue No.5, year 2, 1976. A chapter from the book "Military History of Yemen 1839 - 1967", 1976. For more details, see “list of works“.
History of Yemeni Cities (1): Aden, Abyan and Sheikh Othman . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.46, Year 5, 1976. Part of study entitled: "History of Yemeni cities", consists of three parts. There is another study published in 1983 entitled:"Aden Through History", which Include towns of Aden city only. For more details, see “list of works”.
History of Yemeni Cities (2): Ma'alla , Shoukra, Zingobar and Dji'ar . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.47, Year 5 , 1976. Part of study entitled: "History of Yemeni cities", consists of three parts. There is another study published in 1983 entitled: "Aden Through History", which Include towns of Aden city only. For more details, see “list of works”.
Aden Under British Rule “1839 – 1967“ . Baghdad, Arab Gulf Journal, by Arab Gulf Studies Center in Basra University, issue No.8, 1977. A Brief translation for the professor R. J. Gavin's book entitled: "Aden Under British Rule 1839 - 1967", published by C. Hurst, London, 1975. Also published In Aden, Al- Turath Journal, issue No.1, Vol.1, 1977. And also part of this translation published in 14 October Newspaper, dated on 14/10/1981 within entitled: "Texts and Lessons from Yemeni Revolution History".
History of Yemeni Cities (3): Al-Shehr, Mukalla, Shibam, Tareem, Seiyuon, Dar Sa'ad, Mansoora, Little Aden and Crater . Aden, Al-Turath Journal, issue No.2, Vol.2, 1978. Part of study entitled: " History of Yemeni cities ", consists of three parts. There is another study published in 1983 entitled: "Aden Through History", which Include towns of Aden city only. For more details, see “list of works”.
Al-Hira to Mecca Route . Kuwait, Journal of Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies, issue No.15, year 4, 1978. The first draft of this research written by the author in 1960 during his study period in the American University in Beirut.
Women's Status in the Yemeni Community . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue Nos.81& 82, Year 9, 1979. (or/ Social, Political and Economical Rights of Women in Yemeni Community, Kuwait, Social Sciences Journal, issue No.1, year 8, 1980). For more details, see “list of works”.
State's Building in Yemen Arab Republic “ 1968 - 1976 “ . Aden, 1980. A translation of Professor Robert Baroze's political study (un published), Professor of Political Sciences in American University in Beirut, 1977.
Women's Social, Political and Economical Rights in Yemeni Community . Kuwait, Social Sciences Journal, issue No.1, year 8 , 1980.(or/ Women's Status in the Yemeni Community, Aden, Al- Hikmah Journal, issue Nos.81& 82, Year 9, 1979). For more details, see “list of works”.
Role of Fatat Al - Gazirah Newspaper in Events of 1948 in Sana'a . Kuwait, Publications of Journal of Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies, No.5, 1st edition 1980. (In 1981, only some months after publishing this booklet, the author and the booklet were exposed to disapproval and criticism and to invective campaign by media deviated from professional decorum and sober criticism that exploited by some local and Gulf pens and newspapers to criticize the author and distrust his professionalism together with accusing him with nepotism and partiality to Adeni people due to his courage to raise the facts related to the provocative role which was played by the Adeni Newspaper in Revolution of 1948 and its owner, lawyer Mohammed Ali Luqman. The author prepared a reply entitled: "Tahfot Al-Tahafot : An ideal example for collapsing criticism in Yemen", but it has not published). For more details, see “list of works”.
Role of the Reformative Societies and Cultural Clubs Confronting the Educational Policy in Aden During it's Subordination to India “1839-1937“ . Damascus, Historical Studies Journal, Damascus University, issue No.5, 1981. (Or/ Culture Between the Liberation and Colonialism, Beirut, Al- Mustaqbal - Al- Arabi Journal, issue No.32, Year 4, 1981). For more details, see “list of works”.
Culture Between Liberation and Occupation . Beirut, Al- Mustaqbal - Al- Arabi Journal, issue No.32, Year 4, 1981. (Or/ Role of the Reformative Societies and Cultural Clubs Confronting the Educational Policy in Aden During it's Subordination to India “1839-1937“, Damascus, Historical Studies Journal, Damascus University, issue No.5, 1981). For more details, see “list of works”.
Analysis of the Yemeni Community . Aden, 14 October Newspaper, 1981. Twelve episodes in succession: “ January 9, January 16, January 23, January 30, February 6, February 13, February 20, February 27, March 13, March 20, March 27, April 3 “, 1981. Presentation of ideas, viewpoints and conclusions of books and studies on Yemen, are all in English, published by five Western sociologists, ethnologists and anthropologists:
1. Professor Abbas Hamadani – Yemeni origin. (Evolution of Organizational Structure of Fatimi "Da'awah": the Yemeni Contribution).
2. Professor Abdulla Bagra - Yemeni origin. (Policy of Stratification in Hadramout).
3. Professor Yusuf Shalhooth - Syrian origin. (Social Organization in Yemen).
4. Professor Alfred Boston - British. (Nature of the Kingship in Ancient Yemen Civilization).
5. Professor Hans Kruse - Germany. (Tribal Systems and Social Structure: the Case of North Yemen).
For more details, see “list of work”.
Evolution of Organizational Structure of Fatimi "Da'awah": the Yemeni Contribution . Translation of Professor Abbas Hamadani's study entitled: “Evolution of the Organizational Structure of the Fatimi Da'awah - the Yemeni and Persian Contribution”, published in Arab Studies Journal, issued by Middle East Center in Cambridge University, Vol.3, 1976. Presented and published part of this translation within twelve episodes entitled: “Analysis of the Yemeni Community”, Aden, 14 October Newspaper, 1981. For more details, see ”list of works“.
Social Organization in Yemen . Sana'a, Al-Ekleel Journal, issue No.5, 1981. Translation of Dr. Yusuf Shalhooth's study entitled: "Social Organization in Yemen", published in Sana'a, Yemeni Studies Journal, issue No.3, April 1979. It is a field study carried out by the author in high altitude, north of Sana'a in Hashed region mainly in Khamer town. Also Presented and published part of this translation within twelve episodes entitled: “Analysis of the Yemeni Community”. For more details, see “list of works”.
Tribal Systems and Social Structure: the Case of North Yemen . Aden, Al-Hikmah Journal, issue No.94, Year 11, 1981. Translation of Professor Hans Kruse's study entitled: "Tribal System and Social Stratification - The Case of North Yemen", published in Indian Journal for Political Sciences, Volume 2, issue No.3, 1979. Presented and published part of this translation within twelve episodes entitled: “Analysis of the Yemeni Community“. For more details, see “list of works”.
Al-Hamadani: Historian of Yemen and his Thought . Aden, 14 October Newspaper. Six episodes in succession: “September 28, October 5, Octobe 12, October 19, October 26, November 2“, 1981. On the occasion of holding of International Millennium Scientific Session for the Yemeni historian Al-Hamadani In Sana’a University 1981. The resume adduced six scientists and researchers' assessments to the thought and genius Yemeni historian Al-Hamadani:
1) Pro. Agnatius Yulivetsh Kratchoviski, Russian.
2) Sheikh Hamad Al-Gasser, Kuwaiti.
3) Judge Mohammed Ali l- Akwa'a, Yemeni.
4) Dr. Nazar Al-Hadithi, Iraqi.
5) Mr. Mahmud Ibrahim Al-Sagheer, Yemeni.
6) Mr. Ali Mohammed Zaid, Yemeni.
Al - Maqatera Taking up Arms Against Imam Ahmed . Sana'a, Al-Ekleel Journal, issue No. 5, 1981. Investigating and publishing part of manuscript "Battalion of Al-Hikmah of a Biography of Imam of Nation, Commander of the Faithful Muslims - Imam Ahmed Bin Imam Mansoor", written by Abdul-Kareem Mutahar. The manuscript was reviewed and commented for the first time in book: "Military History of Yemen – section 3: Imam Yahia's War Against Yemeni Tribes". For more details, see “list of works”.
Commentary on study by Dr.Gamal Zakariyha entitled: "Historical Fundamentals for Unity of Emirates (UAE)and Role of Colonialism in its Division . Beirut, 1981. Presented to the session held by Centre for Arab Unity Studies in Beirut for the period March 23 - 26, 1981, entitled: "Experiment of United Arab Emirates".
Tahfot Al-Tahafot : Ideal Example for Collapse of Criticism in Yemen . Unpublished, 1981. A reply on essay entitled: "Criticism of Booklet of Fatat Al- Gazirah Role in Events of 1948 by Sultan Nagi", published in Al- Hikmah Journal, issue No.91, Year 10, 1981. This essay disagreed from professional bounds and sober criticism. For more details, see “list of works”.
Syllabus of the Yemeni History in Secondary Schools: Ideal Example for Crisis of Culture in Yemen . Unpublished, 1981. Criticizing the Curriculum "Ancient Yemen's History" for the first secondary schools of the new system - General Secondary Schools Due to distortion and facts concealment it contained.
Foreign Military Presence in Arab Homeland and it's Dangers: Study Case of Largest British Base and it's Command Center in the Middle East “1839 -1967“ . Bagdad, 1982. A paper presented to the Accidental Conference for Arab Historians Union held in Baghdad.
Aden Through History . Sana'a, Al-Ekleel Journal, issue Nos.2& 3, Year 2, 1983. (Including towns of Aden City only: Crater, Ma'alla, Sheikh Othman, Dar Sa'ad, Mansoora, Little Aden). Also published in parts entitled: “History of Yemeni Cities". For more details, see “list of works”.
The Genesis of the Call for Yemeni Unity . Exter University, 1983. Presented in English to the International Session for Contemporary Yemen held in Arab Gulf Studies Centre in Exeter University in 1983, and published within publications of Exeter University in 1984, B. R. Pridham (ed.): "Contemporary Yemen: Politics and Historical Background", Groom Helm London, 1984, pp.240-260. Translated into Arabic language and published in Beirut, Al- Mustaqbal - Al- Arabi Journal, issue No.59, Year 6, 1983. There is a second section of this study entitled: The Call for Yemeni Unity: Analysis of the Public Opinion as Reflected in the Aden Arabic Press on the Eve of September Revolution “July - September 1962”. For more details, see “list of works”.
The Call for Yemeni Unity: An Analysis of Public Opinion as Reflected in the Aden Arabic Press on the Eve of September Revolution “July - September”, 1962. Exter University, 1983. Presented in English to the International Session for Contemporary Yemen held in Arab Gulf Studies Centre in Exeter University in 1983. It is the second section of study: "The Genesis of the Call for Yemeni Unity", issued within publications of Exeter University in 1984. For more details, see “List of works”.
Session of Contemporary Yemen . Beirut, Al- Mustaqbal - Al- Arabi Journal, issue No.62, 1983. A researching report and briefed translation for some selected researches on Yemen and presented to the International Session for Contemporary Yemen held in Arab Gulf Studies Centre in Exeter University in 1983. For more details, see “list of works”.
British Confidential Documents related to Sheikh Abdulla Ali Al-Hakeemi . Aden, Al-Amal Newspaper, Published on six episodes in Succession Nos.: “ 79,80, 81, 82, 83, 84”, 1984. Translated & published for the first time, talking about Sheikh Al-Hakimi and his political and social activity in place of emigration. Sheikh Abdullah Ali Al-Hakimi (1895- 1954), Was a Yemeni national leader resident in Cardiff City in the UK. He has been a religious guide, worked to raise the level of the Yemeni and Islamic community and to open several branches in the cities of the UK. He is the founder of the Islamic Supreme Sufism Al-Shaziliya Society and its mosque Noor Al-Islam Al-Alawi and the Islamic Higher Center for Cardiff Muslims (1936). Owner and founder of Al- Salam newspaper in Cardiff (1948). Presidency of the Yemeni Union in Aden (1953).
Gift of Time in What Happened of Calamities in Yemen “or:Uprising of Magadeebs in Yemen” . A single unique manuscript reportage, un none author, Unpublished, 1985 .